Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lighthouses and Spiral Staircases

Since my love affair with the sea came to the surface in 2005, I have always been enthralled with lighthouses, their meanings and especially their spiral staircases.

Naturally one has to be physically fit to make the trek to the top of any lighthouse and one can always find how many steps to the top and once there be visually rewarded for the climb.

I have several photos of this lighthouse's staircases as they do create such a intriguing photograph from the top looking down or from the bottom looking up.

Steps to the top: 220

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I LIKE Spiral Staircases

From as far back in time as I can remember, I have always liked spiral staircases.  I have actually always had a fascination with them for some unexplainable reason.

The first indoor (enclosed) spiral staircase that I used daily as a young teen was in my parents home in Orosi, California.  I immediately fell into a deep liking of this spiral staircase with it's carpeted rungs and iron banister. I always felt regal when I descended these steps.  A feeling I still have when I am lucky enough to find a working spiral staircase.

Oh, the memories. Oh, the joy of rediscovering and bringing to light my likes and fascinations.